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Library Trustees Minutes 16 Dec 2004
DECEMBER 16, 2004

Members Present:  Theodore Flynn (Chair), Carl Meier, Lynne Walsh, Nancy Delano and
                        Margaret Lougee
Staff Present:  Elaine Winquist (Director) and Deborah Killory (Administrative Assistant)

The meeting was called to order at 7:40 am in the Setter Room at the Duxbury Free Library.

Minutes of previous meeting
        The minutes of the November 10, 2004 meeting were presented.  

Moved by Mr. Meier, seconded by Ms. Walsh, to approve the minutes of the November 10, 2004 meeting as presented.
                                                                        Vote:   5 – 0 in favor
Chair’s Report
        Mr. Flynn asked Ms. Winquist to send to the Selectmen the information she has prepared on the decline in the library’s share of the town budget.  In light of continued town budget constraints, it might be more realistic for the library to request a return to its previous share of the budget, rather than a return to FY04 services.  The town manager has asked department heads to present level service budgets for FY06; initially, they were asked to present FY06 budgets with the FY04 level of services.
Director’s Report
        Ms. Winquist presented her written report.  She noted that the volunteer lunch at the Village had been a success.  The new exterior doors being installed on the lower level of the library should help keep the lower level lobby warmer.  Mr. Murphy is attending a Community Preservation Committee meeting to request CPA money for a survey of the work required to restore the original brickwork on the north side of the library building, where water is leaking in during rainstorms with winds from the northeast.  
        At the Friends board meeting, they asked Elaine about the possibility of serving wine at a fundraising event at the library.  The trustees said that if the Friends wished to hold an event at which wine was served outside of library hours, they would have no objection.  The same procedure used for events at the senior center, application to the Selectmen for a one day liquor license, would apply.

Department Reports
Reports of the Children’s, Circulation, Reference and Technical Services Department were distributed.  

Friends Report
        Ms. Lougee read a letter from the Friends.  The new board includes Donna Ryan as co-president with Brooke McDonough, and Cathy Dame as Vice President.  Funds are still coming in from the membership drive and the Friends are planning a fundraiser.

Angers Update
        Ms. Winquist reported that the garden clubs of Angers and Duxbury have connected and that the children’s departments have been collaborating.

Long Range Planning Update
        Mr. Meier reported that the community forum has taken place has selected as the three service responses commons, general information and life long learning.  The choice of commons as one of the service responses chosen by a community group is significant since it relates to hours of operation.  The Long Range Planning Committee will meet in January and begin the process of determining goals and objectives.  The staff will then devise activities to meet the goals.

FY06 budget
        The director will meet with the town manager to discuss the FY06 budget and capital requests.  She has already presented the budget with services at FY04 levels; she has been asked to present a budget showing services level with the current fiscal year.  If there were a partial restoration of the FY04 budget, Ms. Winquist would like to have the Monday morning hours restored.  The reasons for choosing Monday over Sunday hours include: Sundays are more expensive (staff is paid time and a half and the building is open for a short shift); a large proportion of Sunday patrons are not Duxbury residents; many children’s programs could be restored with a Monday opening; and the large number of book returns on Monday mornings indicate that many patrons are still coming by the library on Monday mornings.  
If the Community Preservation Committee does not fund the survey of the brickwork, a capital request would be necessary to pay for this.  The director has requested $60,000 for an energy management system, $20,000 for a fire protection system and funds for an industrial vacuum.  Ms. Winquist said that Mr. Longo is awaiting the school budget proposal before he can set the FY06 budget.
        The Board of Library Commissioners has received 48 requests for waivers.  They did not request the a representative of the library come before the board because cuts to the library budget were in line with cuts made to the budgets of other departments.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 19, 2005; at that meeting, a schedule for 2005 will be set.

Moved by Mr. Meier, seconded by Ms. Lougee, to adjourn at 8:43 am.
                                                                        Vote:   5 – 0 in favor